I Wonder

Verse 1: I look up at the sky andd wonder what life would be like if I didn't let you go. I guess I will never know since I am invisiable to you. So I wil have to wonder fo the rest of my life. For I knwo you have stepped out of my life never to return again.

Verse 2: Watchign you walk out that door brok my heart right in two. I had never thoguht that I could feel that much pain from you. I guess I didn't knwo how deep you had dug into my heart. Not even knowing what might happen in the up coming days.

Verse 3: Now I look out my window hopeing that you just might coem back adn take me with you. Just tha it's impossible. So i do not know why i keep hopeing fo ryou to come through that door. when i already know that you are long gone.

Verse 4: I saw you walk out our front door without a single tear on your face. I truly couldn't believe that you were nto even crying while I could not control my storm of tears. So waht am I suppose to do now taht you are gone.

Verse 5: I wonder do you even think about those you had left behind. I know that it is complicated for me to ever forget you. Since you were always there for me. Now you are no where to be foudn so what can I do?

Verse 6: I guess it's my tiem to let you go even though I would reather not. It is time to fave the cold heartless truth. the truth i have been trying to avoid all this time. You're not coming back no matter how bad I would liek you to.

Verse 7: Today i will finally say my good byes to you. For now i have realized the cold heartless truth. You made a new family and you're fogetting about us. So I will cry myself to sleep tonight. Knowing that my dad is never coming back to me. All I say is Good Bye.