Living A Nightmare

Close your eyes it's a dream
Shut your eyes hide the pain
Muffle your screams
You'll awaken soon
Wipe the tears falling
Stare up at the moon
Shining so bright over your head
Up in the sky
In world so dead
Hide all the fears that linger inside
Grab the reins and take life fo a ride
Don't you dare worry, fret , or cry
It's only a nightmare
Open your eyes 
You struggle to open
To let yourself free
Your eyes stuck shut
The darkness won't let you be
You pinch yourself
But you do not awaken
You've tryed your most
To be shaken awake
But this isn't a nightmare 
Though it may seem
This is your life dear
This isn't a dream
You'll never awaken
From this lifeless dream
Because this your life
Your life is a nightmare as it seems