Mistakes(Does it really have to end?)

The only thing to get you through a hard time,
The only thing to get you through the past,
The only thing to get you through life.

The only thing that makes you regret,
The only thing that breaks you to tears,
The only thing that gets you thinking about things.

Does it really have to end?
Did this really have to happen?
Do we really have to stop talking?
Does this really have to happen?

Memories of you goes through my mind,
I think and wonder,
What would happen,
What would happen if it all happened the opposite way.
Would you like me back?
Would you feel the same way?

Untold questions…
Doubting I’ll ever get them answered,
Doubting I’ll ever get a second chance to tell you how I feel,
Doubting a lot of things that has happened.

Feelings never faded,
Thinking they did,
Feelings never faded,
Only came on stronger and heavier.

Mistakes happen to everyone,
Whether you want them to or not,
Mistakes come when you least expect them to,
They could happen at the right time,
They could happen at the wrong time,
They could come and you regret
But then feel happy about it,
Happy that whatever happened, happened.

From my mistakes I regret, sure.
From my mistakes I think back on the times,
Times I’ve talked to you,
Times I got to know you,
Just thinking of that makes me smile inside and out.
Thinking of that and I forget everything around me, and what I’m doing,
No guy has ever made me feel like this, like you have.

I sit and wonder, as the mistakes people make,
And they unanswered question,
Is this the way it ends,
Oh is this the way,
Is this the way it ends.

Does it really have to end?
These mistakes in life,
Everyone gives me a different answer,
And still I believe everyone of them,
But my answer completely differs from theirs…

Mistakes happen to everyone,
Mistakes come when you least expect it,
Mistakes can make you sad,
Mistakes can make you embarrassed,
Mistakes can make you any feeling you could think of.

And if you think about that mistake,
And think of how you felt at that particular moment,
You wouldn’t regret it.
No one should regret anything in life,
No one should bring you down for,
Weeks, months, heck years!

Mistakes can make you feel something,
Feel something like what happened was your fault,
What happened was something you did and no one else,
When in reality it really isn’t your fault.

And for me,
All that came to me now,
All that came and I don’t know
I don’t know if it’s too late to fix it, or if I should right now,
And for me,
I honestly don’t know the answer to what to do now…