my role model

am i good enof?
do you see what i gave for you?
to be good enof for you
sceams escaped muffled by agony
i used to be unbreakable
but now im just a husk
dark fills the void u hollowed out
you were supose to help, but you cut me down
i wander, a drooping husk with nothing left
why have you left me?
do you feel the day coming?
where i will rise
and you will cowar in fear and despiration
theres a monster growing insie of me
soon it will shatter the husk containing it
you better run and hide
i dont think i can control it
i was a peaceful man
but you struck me down
and hollowed me out
now the beast has founda home that cant resist
head pulsating, chest opening
its too late to say sorry now,
its out n i dont wanna control it