The Hunters

The night was humid with the stars shining bright
When they stumbled upon our humbe land
The darkness enveloped our camp, all was silent
But suddenly the stillness was disturbed
The women and children cried in fright
As the hunters arrived into the night

They came to take away our land
Our children and our lives
With their evil spears made of metal
They came into the night
Outlandish words flew from their mouths
And were spoken with such force
That the words themselves tortured our souls

The men stood to fight
While the women and children fled into the night
We did not know at that moment
Eventually we would all be caught
As the men with skin so white
Tried to do what they thought was right

But oh they were so wrong
To come to our land uninvited
And destroy our homes and our hearts,
Our way of life,
In one thick rage of full on flight
The hunters, they came into the night