
life is one big hell of a soap opera
god closes one door and opens another
but in my case, god closes one door
and opens up many more doors sometimes i wonder
if there is anyone called god
while at times i wonder
why god does this to me it seems
with each step i take
i sink deeper and deeper into the quicksand

days keep rolling
but my problems dont move an inch
each day
each night
problems and more problems
there seems to be no escape
there seems to be no solution
i question the very purpose of my existence
with no one to worry about me
with no one to call my own

from one quicksand into another quicksand
i drag myself everyday to live
in the hope of escaping from it all
you might think i am a probelamatic child
you might think i am one messed up creature
i want to live
i want to be happy
the truth is i have a life
the truth is i want to be normal
the truth is i am also a human
that makes mistakes
the truth is i am not immune to pain
the truth is, i am like you
wanting to live like you
be happy like you

but unlike you
my hands are tied
i am an angel stuck inside this prison
with my wings clipped
my feet tied to the floor by chains
i cannot fly away
i cannot run away
stuck here in this cage of mine

i am an angel
stuck in hell
waiting for a prince to rescue me
waiting for my guardian angel to save me

with no strength left
i am destined to live life like this
i curse myself
i blame myself
for the life that is supposed to mine
with no desire to live
in this hell that is my home
i want to die

i squeeze in every ounce of strength
that i can find
i lift my hands high up in the air
that were once tied
now lands with a thud of the chains
hitting the floor
the life that i dreamt of
is just a dream
the life that i wished to have
is just a wish
the life that is mine
is no more
i wanted to die
i wanted to escape life
and now, with the blood slowly trickling away from my face

my life is just a countdown away
a count of one to ten
a transformation of my life
into death, that someone else wanted!
a life that i once wanted to live
now destined to be fulfilled
only after death
life is, afterall, a dream
from which death awakens us
♠ ♠ ♠
kinda long