I am done

Everything I do
and everything I say
seems to get me into trouble
I am getting tired of talking
cause I am feeling so discouaged
so once you know
when I stop talking
that today is the day


That I am done
trying to prove
that I am worthy to love
and tired to prove
that I love you too
and That I am done and am moving on
so let me tell you
my family and friends
you better like me the way I am
cause I am so done
with all of your attitudes.

I just want to scream
shout at all of you
to tell you that for once
can it be about me
its always about you
and you dont even realize it
but when I start to talk
you all say I'm not finished
so I shut up and sit back
not even listening to you
so when you dont hear me answering to you
you know that....

so when I dont talk you know that I....

I am done.