The Hidden Cove

The sea is a seductive lover.
Beckoning green of quirky eyes.
Salty scent may drive a man insane with desire.
The call of gulls, the lover's maidservants
Building her confidence.
One can see her human form running along the shore,
Can taste the natural light she emits.
Red wished for her on the rocks of Harrowfield,
To touch her frightened, guarded face.
Darkness reveals her muted terrors.
Conor flies above with helpless wisdom.
Their heads are filled with fluckery.
She loathed marrying a man that's loved her each day.
The carved ring sings of acceptance.
Conjugal vows imprisoned her.
She spoke before the task was complete,
Her feet faltered, let go of her will.
Every detail, down to the T, is written.
Risen certainty will save a safe marriage.
Innocent devils
That will favor God and kill His people...
The rocks slice through the binded parchment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Based on a book I've almost finished called Daughter of the Forest.