
You pull the trigger
The metal cool against your head
Think of the people
Who'll miss you when you're dead

The blade so sharp
You press it to your wrist
Ever think
Of how you'll be missed?

Pressure on your neck
The rope hangs from above
You feel alone
Lived without love

Jump from a building
Ten stories high
How did you do it
Did you ever tell them why?

Pills in your hand
Fist clenched so tight
You gave up
Forgot how to fight

A quick fix
Your ticket out
Nobody heard you
Or your silent shout

I'll give you the gun
And I'll give you the knife
If you're so eager
To end your life

The rope's on the table
The pills are there too
Go on and hate me
But I'll never hate you

I won't try to stop you
You've said all this before
I will not help you
Not anymore

Are you scared
Of what we think?
Soon your life will be over
All in a blink