Because of What You Did

The deepest curse beset upon you
For what you have done to my life
The roaming souls of all those lives
You have taken unlawfully
They haunt you tonight

Deep in the dark something is coming
The gloom and the shadows
Reveal nothing to your eyes
The silence is deafening
Not a creature stirs

Tonight you know what is going to happen
Because of what you did many years ago
What you called upon, the terrors within
It has come tonight to claim its prize

Its fangs are dripping
A throaty howl, the eyes bloodshot appear
You bolted the window, you locked to door
But nothing can stop this creature
Nothing…..from claiming its prey

Because of what you did
The lives you ruined
Karma has come around, just one more time
This is your last breath, take it swiftly
Because of what you did