Its cool

Its cool to smoke did you know that
Its cool to have sex did you know that
Its cool to take drugs did you know that

Its cool to jump of a cliff did you know that
Its cool to curse on your parents did you know that
Its cool to spread roomers did you know that

Its cool to bully everyone did you know that
Its cool to be pregnant then get a abortion did you know that
Its cool to steal money from your loved ones did you know that

Its cool to lie did you know that
Its cool to be extra skinny did you know that
Its cool to be a bitch did you know that

Girl1: its so not cool to breath did you know that
Girl2: really i am so not going to breath anymore

minutes past..........

Girl1 and Girl2 died just because it wasn't cool to breath
we do alot of things to 'impress' the crowd but what good does it do?