Revenge; Regrets End With Death

Revenge is the best thing.
It's all you've ever wanted.
You don't care about their true feelings.
Satisfaction is what you need.
It's all you've ever gotten.

Spending your weekend
Making the perfect plans.
Counting down the hourglass time.
Waiting 'till they fall asleep,
Welcoming the sand man.

Finally going to work, done perfectly.
Catching them by surprise,
When they wake up in the morning..
Ruined face, ruined body.
Humiliated until the end of time.

Revenge is done.
The victim's spending their time crying.
Their cutting themselves
Stopped going to school.
Mission complete... ?

The word you come to loathe.
The victim's ten feet under.
You gotta stop, but
Revenge is all you've known.

And as you lay there horrified,
You remembered what I said.
You got that feeling in your stomach
And all you know is
Regrets end with death.