Invisible, Invincible, Inconceivable Mime

Feign ignorance, intricate trinkets
Surrounded by euphorias,
With their appealing masks,
Glittery eyes, plastic faces.
All of this is 'perfect'
Dear Lord, this life without pain
So blessed, there is no meaning.
I beg for tragedies,
And receive more remedies.
Stuck in the goodness,
Full of dolls, and tuxedos.
I need the ugliness,
I will go from door to door,
Searching for misfortunes.

It's because of you,
I have this reckless nature.
Broken, fragile, angry.
Returning to my normality,
Of how I was before you,
To be set on a mission,
Bound to the words I said,
To rebuke the same words
From other admirers.

All this ice,
Unbreakable and unmeltable cubes,
Trying to grasp the water
With my bare hands
I fall to lavish tiles.
Tiles that represent
Absolutely nothing.

My dragons, my spells.
Together in my room,
Creating remedies for this painlessness.
With my gloves,
Covering where I have been.