Shrapnel of the Heart

On the field, slain face down.
A tribute to our cause.
Still shots ring abound
The ground is quenched in red
tears and blood flow freely
life spews from gaping wounds
the invasion has been won
mind and soul, conquered
there was no point in fighting
if only the realization came before the pain
the world's gone fuzzy, ready to move on?
it's so easy to drift away
is it possible to learn to let go?
who would pry their hands apart?
only one can leave victorious
can the other walk with their head high?
rather then being pushed, face down.

for tears should never make puddles
as the youth are drafted, shipped out
trudging so slowly, one step at a time
until their image on the hills dies away
one step. hup-to. so easy it comes
left, left, left, right, left,
so quickly they disperse
from their homes- they're gone.
like a sunset fading into the dawn
lost souls, lie buried yet arise anew
from the distance come people i've never known

who's tears streak my mirror?
and who's cold palm rests in mine?
is it the same person who battled by my side?
The same voice that said i'd be fine.
i have finally realized that person lied.
It's not even close to what's true
in the coffin next to mine is my comrade
yet a person i never knew.