Unseen Beauty

Me, enchained...
A letter of regret
And your words
Are perfect met

With the sound
Of my mind
Broken, lost
And so confined

Such an array
Of beauties untold
Paradise lost
Mythical gold

Silent genius
Art undone
Battles unfought
Songs unsung

Perfection lays
Its teaming life
Not in reality
For there lays strife

And so you see
The strife I show
And never see
The life I know

The life I know
I live, I breathe
The life I love
Is that of me

Of me and not
In physical form
Unexplainable in
An audible norm

And so you'll never
Know my me
And you'll never
Love or see

The me that is
The beauty and
The ideas fading
In life's sand

Here and gone
With the tide
You missed a million
With one stride

In the direction
Of reality
You lost it all
It all of me

But you wont see
What you lost
My mind and all
It hides with cost

The cost of living
Life alone
Cuz no one sees
Behind the sown

And what is sown
In reality
Is never seen
There is no key

Into ones mind
And so I stay
Alone in my mind
Never to say

That I wish you were here
In my mind to see
The ideas and the beauty
You can't see in me

In that physical place
That terrible land
Where you'll never ever
See my thoughts in the sand

And you'll just see it
The physical me
The me that I loathe
That blocks off the sea

And the beauty and ideas
That you'll never see
Waste away in the sand
Tides rolling free

So silently again
Tho you'll never see...
I'll write in this sand
The real, true me

I'll write and I'll pray
That you'll make it someday...

Into my mind
See the beauty unwind

The beauty I don't have
In my phsyical halve

See the words in the sand
"I love you" writ by hand