*** can only kill me

You can stick a dagger in my heart,
Watch as I fall apart.
You can dig it in and twist it
But you know I won’t react.
I’ll just take every kick and hit.
I’ll deny I've been attacked.

How can I take this?
The old you is whom I miss
You now hurt me day in and day out
But I’d never do anything to you,
Even when you lock me where no one can hear me shout
When you beat me black and blue.

I’d scream but no one hears me,
And no one will ever see,
How stupid my new boyfriend is
And how I wish I could get away.
No one knows those methods of his,
He’ll stop using them on me soon, I pray.

Now I'm beaten so badly I cannot move
There’s no evidence that it was him, so it can’t be proved.
He’s gotten away with murder.
He’s been allowed to kill me.
They said “he really didn’t deserve her”
And “they were never meant to be”

Another girl’s now with him
Her future’s becoming so dim.
I wish I could have warned her,
Told her to leave that jerk.
Her life will likely be a blur,
With flashing visions of all of all the times she’s been hurt.