I Hate You

this one goes out to everyone who has fucked me round, tried to control my life and hurt me
especially my sister

i hate you
and ill say it again
ill hate you till the day this fucking world ends
you've picked on me and abused me so
in this life you might not have more to go
cos i am coming
I'm mending my life from this shit
this shit which you have laid on to me
this shit in which you wont stop giving
i am in pain
and I'm not forgiving
I'm hating you more
loving you less
I'm sickened by your lies
leaving me in torment
you strive to hurt me
its way to wrong
to attack a guy like me
like this
for so long
I'm sick of you controlling ways
your not my sister
you are my pain

so you people what will you say
will you say its my fault
will you think its okay?
to hurt a guy when he was just so young
to make him slit his wrists
was it so fun?
to drive him to the point
were he tried to die
by taking some drugs
and washing it down
was it okay?
when he was just in grade six
to abuse him
and break him like a stick
was it alright
to give him nightmares right now
he can see himself dying
all the time now
and as he wakes up
he almost hits the ground

why is it always
its just seems
that when I'm finally happy
they try to take it from me.