Pay attention to us, please?

Come play with us please!
Be crazy and chase the mice!
Lose all your worries!

And rub my belly!
Ah, that's the very spot, thank you.
Lay down next to me,

I'll cuddle with you,
And purr away the nightmares,
Thank you for this,

Spending time on me.
You humans are so busy,
Rushing to nowhere,

Never time for me,
When I'm gone, they feel guilty,
They get over it,

Buy another pet,
Another soul to suffer,
Not caring is cruel,

As cruel as abuse,
Spend your money but not your time,

Just a little pat,
A little tummy rub please,
If its not to much to ask,

So will you do it?
Would you please spend time with me?
Promise to love me?

You choose to be kind,
Choose to spend your precious time,
Relaxing with me.

Lay on your tummy,
I send my Thank You in love,
My love is a purr:

I will love you back,
With every bit of my heart,
Love you forever!
♠ ♠ ♠
=) Comments and criticism loved!