You've been great

Youv’e been great.
As good as you could have been.
Now its time for me to handed off.
Your course is run and has been for a long time now,
I know it, you know it.
Time for a fresh face,
A fresh start on things.
Mabye I’ll improve, but I doubht it.
Just like you did.

Now it time for me to meet a new consult.
Its time for me to take new pills.
And its time for me to fall below the waves.
You know that you can’t help me anymore,
‘but their is hope’
Its time for me to not leave the house,
And time for my house to leave me.
And time for my father to leave me,
More than he already has.

You have done your job,
Its a shame you job was redundant.
And its time for me to start again.
Its time for me to meet my new siblings,
And me a ‘role model’
For me to fall in love with words and re kindle my love of dance.
And teach what I love.
Its a shame its time for me to stop.

I’m really, truly, hugely thank you for all you have done.
However pointless it was.
Because now its time for me to become insecure,
Time for me to loose weight and confidence like keys.
Its time for me increase my dose,
And work.

Now its time.
Time for me to stop and think,
For me to find myself.

It time for me to feel oddly un attached to what I am saying.

But thanks Dr. For loosing faith in me.
If you could see me, I’m smiling.
Its a shame I don’t feel anything.