Insane thoughts put to paper...

Stuttering, spluttering, blood dripping from my mouth.
You’re standing over me, wondering what went wrong.
The terror in your eyes is masked with a face of anger.
What did I do to deserve this?
Blood drips slowly from the hidden would I no longer feel.
Your hands outstretched, reaching for my throat,
I can’t scream, I can’t move, and then you touch me.
I startle awake, covered in sweat and tears, and something dark and sticky.
I flip the switch and see the blood,
The bed is covered and there you are,
hands outstretched reaching for my neck.
The wound I couldn’t feel now throbs with pain as blood pours from my back.
What did I do to deserve this?
Stabbed in the back,
a living nightmare.
My last words before drifting into nothing are:
“and yet, I still love you.”
Always and forever thinking:
so it wasn’t a dream….