Even Death May Die

Tears fall down cheeks of family and fans
Ever beloved souls all die
Each of us is a ticking time bomb
Just waiting to go off
We are lost in the darkness
Trapped in a cage of flesh
Music that pounded from stereos
Suddenly ceases to play
A silence rings around the world
Heads stop banging and tears flow fast
Every heart must stop
Every soul must leave this earth
Music lovers, we weep together
We shed tears for our lost musicians
A beloved soul is lost today
He shall be missed
And despite the sorrow, the pain, the blackness
His legacy will never follow him

♠ ♠ ♠
Ronnie James Dio died of stomach cancer at 7:45, May 16, 2010. This poem is kind of crappy, but it's just kind of what came out of my head. RIP