"Yes, Really!"

“Yes, Really”

I sat on the sidewalk
all up in a huff
as the passerby?
They claim a bluff

For those who don't know me
they tend to question my various scrapes

“Did you really,” they ask
“manage to trip,” as I sigh
“On a sweater?” shrug
“Your cat!” wince
“Your own two feet?” hee hee
“And, REALLY,” they implore
I bite my lip,
for that last one?
T'was only a myth!

My friends are amused,
but I? Certainly not!
“Why me??” I moan
as I stand up
only to stumble
this time, on my fallen juice carton

And as they laugh and stare
my fallen figure spewed on the ground
I can't help but laugh along with them
“Yes, Really!” I say