You Are

You are the light
You are the wind
You are the rain against my skin
You are clouds
You are the sunlight on me now

And you lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
And all the pain just goes away
Finally yeah yeah yeah

I feel the wind
I hear the rain
I hear the thunder, it understands my pain
I see the lightning
It reminds me of you 
The smile I receive every time you've come through

You are the sun
You are the rain
You are the light to find my way

To rid me of this pain

You have saved me from myself
Time and time again
You've kept me alive all of this time

Cuz he was the thunder, he was the rain, I am the lightning
You are the wind, you are the clouds, you are the sunlight
You have rid me of the pain
You've made it go away

You've saved me for another day
♠ ♠ ♠
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