
The blood runs dry
as I sit and cry.

Life’s not worth it,
so why even live it?

No one cares
even though i try.

So I just get up
and cut get it over with.

So I place that blade
to my wrist.

There's my special friend
I start to cry as I realize.

But when I'm done
I sit alone with
my friend still running
down my own arm.

Now that I'm finished,
I put on long sleeves
to hide the mistake I just made.

No one will know
how much I hurt when I'm alone
Until the day they find me....

But I'll never go that deep
or cut that far.

The blood ran dry
Now I can't cry
because I cut to deep
made a huge mistake!

Got to angry, cried to much
Now my life ends. . .

I see everyone's surprised little faces
How could they not know?

I guess I didn't let it show
they found me alone in my room
blood still running

My eyes closed for good
my wrists torn and scrapped
tear stains on the note.

All I wrote was:

I'm Sorry, I can't do this