My Wall

I hide a wall deep inside of me.
I can't let you see,
I built this wall with my own hurt
and misery. I can't let you see
because then it will cause you pain
And I can't do that to you, the one I love.

I hide it deep as deep can be
because I know it’s the real me.
I built it one piece at a time
it took me longer to realize.
That soon I would want to open this wall
To tell someone special sorry, but no.

If you still love me after reading this
Then please by all means
chip away at my master piece.
I put it up because I loved to much
and was stupid and dumb
I let my heart go wild.

Now I see this wall must stay
until the day one special guy
can prove to me,
That they're not all the same
I need more then just words
I need proof to believe.

That you really do
love me!