I am

I am from loud music screaming

about irresponsible fathers

I am from the booming voices singing

each trying to be the best

I am from love

almost lost because

of my ridiculous mistake

I am from a promise ring

that I swear I won't break

I am from broken-hearted friends

that'll never be the same

I am from a little girl

in cute dresses playing with

her cats, dolls, and cars

trying so hard to be one of the guys

I am from cats that passed

and others that live

I am from a killer

called cancer who

tried to take my mother from me

I am from a misunderstood generation

full of bad judgments and

beautiful musicians, writers, and actors

I am the broken artist trying to

help others with what I have

when I can't even help myself
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not good at poetry but in the beginning of junior year my english teacher assigned this. I think its the best I ever managed. Poetry was always hard. But this one was so easy. It was my heart.