Losing sight

The light is dimming
But there you are
Reaching out,
I'm losing sight of the shining
light of day,
My eyes are wet
My body is cold
But there you stand
At my side as
I lose sight
Of the life that i've wasted away.
So this is the day i've waited for
Your sweet smile turns to a
Evil smirk,your eyes glow red
And with a quick movement
Of your hand
You strike me down.
Removing the bloody blade
From my slowly beating heart and
You look down at me
Bleeding,heart broken,and cold
I lay here, i'm losing sight
Of the one i once loved.
You shed but one tear
Of the betrayal you comitted
You whisper Will you ever forgive me?
I smile lightly and answer
I will always forgive you
The drumming in my chest
comes to a stop
I take my last breath
As the lights fade away...