Point Blank

Waiting on the other end of the receiver
Listening to the coldest sound
Just a constant tone telling me goodbye
Waiting for your call
Feeling useless, Pathetic
When every ring of the phone sends my heart racing
Blood rushing
Raising hopes, only to be crushed in disappointment
Realizing how lost and alone I am without your reassurance
Floating away without you voice to anchor me down
Realizing how much I need you when you're not around
Falling into my sickness
Weak and broken without you or your music to hold me together
The closest I get to that sweet sound anymore is the message at the end of the ringing
Promising a ring in return that I never seem to get
Do you remember anymore what it even meant to us?
I'm sure you do
You just need a push to pull that trigger in your mind
That will shoot you back to me
And while my efforts may seem futile
I will stay in the hopes that soon the shot will be made

It will be made
I know it
And I hope to feel that hot bullet
Point Blank