I'm Done

You wrote me a note,
demanding to know why I was avoiding you.
you wanted to know,
why I was mad.
Truthfully, I was not angry,
merely done with you.
You make my life miserable,
by the things you do.
It's been going on for awhile,
the fault of yours I can't get past.
Quite honestly,
I don't know how to put it,
so that you don't take offense.
You treat others,
no better than trash,
you hurt them alot,
and you don't even blink.
What went on that night,
was the final straw,
you've had plenty of chances,
and now it's over
What really sucks is that
I loved you, and trusted you
but now that you're mad at me,
I see your true colors.
You're not worth my time,
so leave me alone.
This life is mine,
not to be controlled by you.
So please move on with your life,
and I'll gladly move on with mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
At the moment, a close friend of mine is pulling this on me. So I decided instead of taking my anger out on her, I'd put it down here. I don't think it's that good, but it got the job done, considering I want to yell this at the world.