
Pounds of bullshit
Lifted onto your chest
The shit you have done
You've come to regret
It all reminds you, that your so fucking stupid

Sorry, it's just five letters
Two syllables
One word
But means so much more
Than it really is

The tears you've shed
Mean nothing to you
The tears that they've shed
Seem to mean to be the world
You're sorry

That's it?
That's all you got.
One pathetic word
But when you put the pieces together
You've done so much more

How the hell can you live
Looking at yourself
A shameful, sorry, poor bastard
But whats the difference
From all the others?

Nothing, you're all the same
With blood on your hands
And ache in your hearts
But who knows who really is
What they say they are

They all say they're sorry
Does it come from their instinct
To apologize
Or from they're cold lonely heart

It's up for them to decide.
Do they think you're trustworthy?
What do they see?
A sorry man with the balls to claim it?
Or, another bitch with nothing better to do?