The Day Her Guardian Angel Took Her Away...

All she wanted was to die
Too long had they begged her to stay,
Too soon had her hope run dry.
But still she tried to hide her pain away.

Could no one really see her pain?
Nor the reason she cried?
Could they not see the blood stains,
Or the suicidal thoughts she tried to hide?

Was her mask that strong?
Could she force them to believe a lie?
Or was it just so obvious she didn't belong
And no one cared whether she lived or died?

Soon hatred took over her heart
As depression possessed her soul,
She was hurting and slowly breaking apart,
And finally losing her control.

She never understood why she was unaccepted,
Had she done something wrong?
She tried to fit in but was always rejected,
Why didn't she belong?

Her heart told her she needed to go,
She was desperate to escape the pain and run,
So the cuts would grow,
And still no one knew what she had done.

She needed a way to get the pain out,
So she began to bleed,
She was someone this world could live with out
She was someone no one would miss or need.

Hurt and filled with hate,
She began to cry,
She had no reason to wait,
Or delay her suicide.

She had wondered what was best,
Would anyone cared if she was dead?
But she looked forward to her eternal rest,
When suddenly a voice said:

"Poor little girl you bleed so pretty,
But you still have a chance to live,
So why do sit here in self pity?"

"What difference does it make?"
She cried out in despair,
"My life is just a mistake,
And it's not like anyone cares!"

"How can you believe such a lie?
You were given life with a purpose,
You still have time to decide..."

"My soul is hollow!"
She cried and fell to the floor.
The cuts grew deeper and more tears would follow.
"I can't take it anymore!"

"Our lives aren't controlled by fate!
Hush, child keep breathing,
It's not too late..."

"My life is my fear
And my reality is a nightmare,
All I can do is feel pain and bleed these tears,
And no one will rescue me from here!"

"Hun, do yourself a favor,
Get up and find strength,
You can become your own savior..."

"What do I have to live for?
Haven't I been through enough pain?
I can't take it anymore!
All my tries have been in vain!"

"It's true life is a difficult game,
But stay with your friends,
And they will do the same..."

"What friends?
The ones who let me bleed?
They don't care if my life ends
They just live to satisfy their greed!"

"But they stood by you all these years,
They do care about you,
And they help you fight your fears."

"But they hate me,
For what I've become
Why can't you see,
I'm done!"

"This doesn't have to be it...
You control who you are,
You need to let go of this regret..."

"I'm not going to last,
Why can't you see
All my hopes and dreams died in the past...
Why do you bother trying to save me?"

"Because I love you,
I'm your guardian angel
I want to save you!"
"I've watched over you since your birth,
I've done my best to protect you,
While you lived your life on Earth."

She sat there not knowing what to do.
How can this be true?
"Why is it only now I can see you?"
She asked hurt and confused.

"Because you are nearly dead,
Your body is cold as ice,
And your wrists are stained red..."

She looked down in distraught,
"So this is my final day?"
Memories and pain consumed her thought,
Until she begged,"Please just take me away!"

The angel held her for a while,
Until she grew still in his arms,
And her color faded with her smile

He cried as he carried her off to the stars,
"You're free now...
Don't worry , love, heaven isn't far."

She was finally freed from her broken heart,
As she found a place where she belonged,
She was far from the world that tore her apart.

Goodbye Sweetheart,
Rest In Peace
You always be in my heart...
It was truly heart breaking to see you go...
I'll never forget you
I'll always love you, just so you know.
I'm sorry I could change you mind
But you've finally found happiness
After leaving this world behind.
But I know you're in a better place,
It's painful to see your grave,
Not your beautiful face.
There is still so much regret,
But I hope to see you again someday,
And still I cannot forget,
The day your guardian angel took you away...