I had a dream last night
They’d buried me alive
And you were mourning by my grave
Why had I gone this far?
As you’ve always been my best friend
The only one who liked what I was

So I was watching you cry
And realized that you were suffering so bad
What had I done?
Well, I had been unable to take this world
That never seemed to see me
It had been just too much for me to take

So I’d left you behind
And you wished I’d knock on your door again
Roaming around your house
Listening to the dialing tone
You wished I was still there
But I had gone to this place of no return

Just because I’d been unable to take
All those liars and fakes any longer
So I’d gone this last way to escape
When I woke up I didn’t feel so alive
Though I could hear my heart was still beating
My eyes they burned like they had been bleeding

This scene seemed to be
More real than my life had ever been
Maybe I should tell you about it
For I wonder why I feel the way I do
And I can’t break away from these thoughts
My world’s not the same

Someone tell me what it all means
Because I bleed and my soul screams
I’m so scared
As I don’t know myself anymore
I’m close to crying
Close to really dying from the inside

Will the scenario of my head come real?
I can’t explain the way I feel
Since I woke up dead
Was it only a dream?
I don’t know what it means
What it means.