
The way you look at me
makes my head spin
I duck my eyes
hoping you won't see
the color flush my face

You take your hand
and pull me close
lifting my chin up
it's almost like
you see my soul

That cute little grin
forms on your face
my eyes glance down
you say, "Don't look away."
my eyes meet yours

You lean towards me
I feel paralyzed
my mind under your control
closer and closer
your beautiful eyes look into mine

My eyes flutter closed
your lips touch mine
so soft so sweet yet demanding
before I know it
you pull away

not far. just enough
to make me want you more
my eyes open slowly
i look back into yours
I know now you can see my soul

Never loosing the gaze
you lean in close once more
I can feel my heart beat rise
your hand cradles my neck
and we meet again

I don't want to leave
for once I am safe
Your arms are so protective
you look at me and say,
"I'll never be to far away."