It's Not Like How It Is

You tell me you love me
But you ignore me
You make jokes out of my pain
It's like you cleaned my skies squeaky blue
Then you tainted it with black
I look happy but I'm not
You are the source of my pain
You cause me to cry
But I still can't help but love you
You are so confusing
I'm trying to rack my brain for some answers
Why are you so nice?
Why are you so evil?
Why are you so honest?
Why are you such a liar?
Why do you say you care?
Why do you ignore me?
Why do I hate you?
Why do I love you with everything I can love with?
Why, why are you nothing an everything that I love and hate?
Is it your eyes that make me melt?
Is it your warm smile?
Is it your dark hair as soft as silk?
Is it how you make me laugh at my own pain?
None of the above.
It is because you are the one who is always there and the one who will always be there when everyone else forgets about me
So I don care how you confuse me
I need you
♠ ♠ ♠
It sucked!! *gags*