Death of The Heart

She sits alone in a room full of people.
Though unnoticed by those who where meant to care.
She cries out desperate for something other than herself.
Answered by no one, heard by all.

If ignorance is bliss then is this why they can’t see?
Crimson tears of despair; an agony to full too bare.
A void to deep to fill and only herself to blame.

If there was a god, she was forsaken.
Backs turned on by everyone she had once held dear.
Her pleas go unanswered.
And the deep silence is her only comfort.

In the dead of night,
Much like the soul in her heart.
She looks across the world with eyes so dark.
Un needed, unloved.
Shunned from above she dies.

Nothing changes, she moves on.
As blackness comes.
Peace at last.

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