The Tree With The Endless Branches.

The rain was falling lightly,
The trees covering the street,
The bandages ripping at my skin,
My mind tearing apart,
Dazed in worry,
Lost in imagined insults,
The sound of fallen angels ringing in my ears,
I kept going,
I went down that abandoned street,
Past the dying maple,
Past the hill that reached the cloudy sky,
Towards a small bridge over a river,
Things slowly changed,
Mysterious voices came in to my mind,
Ones of whispers,
Others of an imagined wind,
The last ones of cars,
Still continuing down the street I found a tree on the brink of death,
But green vegetation surrounded it,
It's endless branches spread to the sky,
But it had no leaves,
The gray air couldn't give life to it,
Nothing could.
♠ ♠ ♠
i don't know if it's good.