Confused (A Villanelle)

"When you grow up, what are you going to do?"
That is the question people always ask me,
along with "How do you define yourself?" or "Who are you?"

I don't readily answer because I have no clue;
the future is something that I can't foresee
and when I grow up, what am I going to do?!

They say figure out what appeals to you
and this way you can find your dreams,
as long as you can answer the question, "Who are you?"

Well, what if you find yourself confused,
and cannot decide what you want to be
or exactly what it is that you want to do?

What if you end up wallowing in rue
because you get tongue-tied easily
when somebody demands, "Who are you?"

I suppose I'll have to figure it out very soon
and take new challenges optimistically,
so that when I grow up I know what to do
and I'll know just how to respond if asked, "Who are you?"