Reckless Dreams for Reckless Things

My days are spent wasted,
My nights are spent dreaming and wishing
Upon shooting stars
I get lucky enough to see
Or I watch as the airplanes fly by.
I've been pretending that they could help me get out of this hole I'm stuck in.
So I tilit my head and look around.

My thoughts,
revolve, sorround, and are abundant of him and only him.
Every second of my existence isn't wasted when he's in it.
I used to spen all my time contemplating suicide,
now it's been pushed to the back since
I'm tyring to figure out how to build a time machine.

God, if your really out there,
can you help me?
I need to get him back,
so all my pain and suffering will go away.
He was my life and you took him,
so now, I'm barely living.
Can you give me him back?
because honestly I can't do it anymore.
Lie for people,
Put on my fake happy face,
All of it was true before he was gone.

So please God,
I'm tired on wishing for something that won't come true
So my last resort is you.
♠ ♠ ♠
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