
A little head peaks out of the window,
The child turns her head up to the sky.
Points out the different forms and shapes,
In the clouds that are passing by.

Miniature hands reach for the door knob,
Twisting the firm golden colored object as it goes.
Short legs race up the rolling hills,
Carrying her to things unknown.

Watching the child enjoy herself,
Makes a smile form on my face.
My longer legs follow her tracks,
Trying to keep pace.

She pauses at a red rose bush,
Eyes twinkling with desire.
Delicates fingers reach out to trace the blood red petals,
Very gentle - to admire.

She senses my approach,
Her head lifts up, hand dropping to her side.
“Let’s go back home,” she says, hand reaching out for mine,
Her happiness never seems to subside.

We race back through the pathway,
That we’d travelled once before.
The sun is setting from the sky,
Again, tomorrow, we will explore.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this while thinking of what my little three year old sister is going to be like when she's older.