Planet Hell

My self destructive ways,
My new found problem,
One that's being kept a secret,
That only a few shall know,
It calls to me like the sirens,
The temptation of them clouding my judgment,
All because of all of you,
My friends, my enemies, myself,
Especially you....
The one who was kind, the one who was helpful,
But I'm so afraid I scared you away,
I hate what I've become,
And I hate what's going to happen,
Why did you have to all leave at the same time?
Six of you?
Half of whom I won't see again,
I've reached my breaking point,
Like trying to pour an ocean in to a cup,
The pressure has been building,
And I'm overflowing,
This endless cycle,
More of you disappearing,
The more I hurt,
And because of this cycle,
I'm slowly sinking into my planet hell.
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yeah i know a little complain-like but i just put how I felt in to words :/