Six Billion

6 billion people in this world yet still so alone... why must this happen...? its such a torture, such a heavy weight one the shoulders of the worlds children. we shouldn't be alone... there are 6 billion of us... so what's the matter? so angered, so pissed, so annoyed, yet so alone... 6 billion hearts beating, 12 billion eyes seeing, yet 12 billion shoulders with the weight of loneliness of everyone pushing them down. expectations unfulfilled... all of them... walking through the hallways of every city, town, village, school, and work place... restraining the abilities of those around you we don't do best. we are alone even though we don't think so. this feeling is lurking in the heart and soul of every human being in this world... just waiting to be discovered in it's own special way... sometimes it takes years maybe decades for this feeling to show... those of us who aren't so lucky on the other hand find this tragic emotion so early in life... it never leaves... nothing can make it right... NOTHING!!! not a thing... once it's released it can't be controlled... its like a demon lurking in the corners just waiting for the moment of pure weakness to strike and take over your life... never letting go... you may try to make it leave... or just let it control you... that is your own choice but not easily made... so I say to those of you struggling... let life take its course and let what happens happen... there is a reason for everything that goes on in this world. let life be life let it live for you while you live in it.