My secret Garden

Romeo and Julliet are nothing but a fairytale,
but not for us my love.
For when we touch,
Our hearts beat a soft mealody,
Without skipping a beat.
There is one place for us,
in a garden.
Where the sweetest tasting berries
are filled with the deadliest poisens that
freezes your veins as it passes.
Where the water leaves you young and forever unharmed.
Where love for one another is not a crime.
So take my hand and I'll lead you into my Secret Garden,
past the fruit, the trees, and the well,
until we reach the white flower with the soft petals,
that takes for breath and life away.
As one leaf enters our mouth and the powder enters our bloodstream,
We both realize why it is called,
"The Secret Garden"
becasue the Secret of every death is never revealed.
Our bodies freeze and our souls interwine,
and drift into the unknown.
And you still believe Romeo and Julliet are a fairytale.