
I saw that picture on your desk,
You know, the one of the little 6 year old blonde girl playing on the swings
So sweet and innocent and happy
Did you ever imagine that same little girl would be lying on the bathroom floor,
10 years later with a used needle next to her
I saw the background of your computer
It's the picture from her 7th birthday
She was crying because her cake fell on the ground
Because that's all she had to cry about
Did you ever imagine that same little girl would be lying on her bedroom floor,
10 years later crying because her boyfriend knocked her up, smacked her up and left
I saw that picture on your mantle,
It was her school picture, she was 9
So bright and full of promise
Did you ever imagine that same little girl would be in line for food stamps,
10 years later with a toddler on her hip
I looked around your office, around your room, on your computer
Why do the pictures stop at age 13
Are you too ashamed to even look at her anymore so you're stuck in the past
Is it the clothes, the hair
Or is it too painfull to be reminded of her, of what she's become
Do you remember on the night before her 10th birthday
She cried because she didn't want to get older, she didn't want anything to change
You sat up the whole night with her and promised that nothing would change
It's just one birthday after all
Did you ever imagine that everything would change,
10 years later you would be estranged from your own daughter
Did you imagine that?
...Neither did I.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this poem a few months ago and it's pretty sad.
I hope you like it!
Please comment, I love feedback!