You Can't Win This

Yeah I know you don’t care
The look on your face is clear as day
Sometimes I think you wish we hated you
Then you could complain in another way
I’m tired of your dirty looks, and comments
They’re really starting to piss me off
Those rude names you call me
I can hear them hidden behind your cough
Don’t lie to me anymore
I’m sick of that too
I know you really don’t like me right now
But I feel the same about you
I’m just waiting for an excuse
A reason to leave you behind
I’m just waiting for the right time
You can see it too, you’re not that blind
But I’ll stay here, just for a while
After that I won’t be back
When you realize that you’ll smile
I hope you’re happy with what you’ve done
But just know this right now
You’ve not won.