The Battle of Emotions

You guyz are all dumb
Blinded actually
I hate everything yu carry
You think your so slick with that old school frenzeyy
Do you really think i can stand??
You can just guess or assume
Ain't der no one just like me
i bet you too.
No, i bet were both one crew
I'm not like the others im just sain in side
You look at me like im ugly
Shut the pot and turn on the clean stove
i hate them all
Do you really think your so tall?
I cant try anymore
The time has come maybe ill b falling to the floor
It had always felt like i was in a box
But guess wat? im about to pop!
I have feeling that are out standing
I need help because i cant stand it.
I write because it takes me away from this bull crap i wake up in
I feel caged in without showing my capacity
Yes what a pitty
So fuck me and fuck this
I'm tired of living piss!
♠ ♠ ♠
Its not a poem its an expression.