Ironic Philosophy

Maybe I’ll fall asleep with my eyes open,
Or maybe I’ll wake up with my eyes closed.

Perhaps I’ll live in a dream,
Or maybe I’ll fall asleep and dream of reality.

Can I not speak silently?
Can I not look at you with the loudest of feeling?

Maybe joyful tears form an agitated laugh.
Maybe, in time, the bitter smile will fade into
one of amusement. Is it normal that I’d rather live than dream,
when someone else would rather dream than live?

It’s true that I leave my home angry, and arrive at school with a
Positive attitude, when another is the opposite.

If that makes sense at all. Understand me in confusion. Ask a question but receive no answer, receive another question instead, asking you to question your own mind, and conscience. Fall asleep with a thousand answers in your thoughts, but not knowing the questions along with them, if that makes any sense at all…