
Would you judge me if i told you that i'd made a mistake?
a mistake that would leave a scar forever?
or would you accept me still?

I guess thats it then.
Im just looking for acceptance.
Because the people who are SUPPOSED to accept me...
well... that would take forever to explain fully.

Yea sure. I've lost my way.
I was born this sweet little innocent girl
with the bluest eyes you could ever see.
and a smile that could hide everything

But hell, i've changed. That little girl is still there, even in the slightest bit
but i've grown.
im different. im "weird" to them. and if they found out the things that i dont tell them...
theyd hate me.

But look at the bright side. i know there always is one.
Look at the sky.
look at the rain as it falls onto your skin.
look at your lover as he smiles at you and holds your hand.
look at your friends as they tell you "we love you. we accept you. we're here for you"

That, my friends is what makes it all worth while.
Friends are God's way of apologizing for family.