Just a girl.

The only person on his mind,
From when he wakes to when he sleeps,
Is a girl, a girl thats kind,
A girl that kind which he cannot keep.
A figure of Beauty, figure of pride,
The thoughts and feelings he cannot hide,
Thoughts of her as his blushing bride.
The thought of her not feeling the same,
Is the thought that compelled him think again,
He wants to stop, the torment, the pain,
The pain he gets when he wishes to claim.
Claim the truth that he wants to be with,
With the person that liberally gives,
Give the boy the feeling, the feeling to live,
But to live with pain, live with the agony,
The affliction she unknowingly gives,
Due to her overwhelming vanity,
She doesnt conceive the pain, she inflicts,
Far from perfect, not neccessarily,
All he needs is a girl who appreciates,
Appreciates him voluntarily.
Whilst the girl to him is an image of complexion,
Can true love achive, deffenatly,
What if the girl carnt appreciate affection,
What if she carnt see when some ones cares,
Even though he doesnt see her imperfections,
Even though he still feels the pain that she bares,
The boy is still forever blind to these complications.

For ever the girl remains in his prayers.