A Bird at Peace


What is peace, exactly?
Is it the wind’s tender caressing?
The waves’ somber touches
The lapis lazuli sky resting
The light pattering of rain

The gentle buzz of life;
A mother wolf nursing her first cubs,
A mother’s lullaby,
Your lover giving you soothing rubs
A Field of wild vervain.

Perhaps the human bond,
A world with out disastrous warfare
Being with a loved one,
The feeling when he proves he does care
A hate-less world; not vain.

Or is peace a dense storm
With raging rain pounding the soaked ground
Blistering crisp-cool winds
Pitch black Cumulus’ clouds bursting sound
Any person who came; insane?

Yet in a dark crevice
In a nest between two defined rocks
Laid rest a content Dove
Not bothered by the war of nature
To spite the devil’s train.

A bird at peace.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think? It has been some time since I've wrote anything, let a lone a poem, so please tell me if I put this in the wrong category... I wasn't sure. lol