Painter Sun

Oh, Painter Sun, you killed the small Finch
You painted a world where love was her sin
Your darkening colors made her heart flinch
Without such light, her cheer was thin
Your canvas created a burning black fire
But her deepest graves were not for your use
Oh, Painter Sun, you would never retire
I beg you, remember, you are not Zeus
Your name was a fraud, quite deceiving
And so she cried her sickly tears
The tower bells never stopped their grieving
And small Finch fled with shadowed fears
She left her heart behind in Flander’s field
Never again will she trust
Oh Painter Sun, you are an artist
A thief, a fraud who is the smartest
Live a life of dark, black colors
For the poor Finch died, turned to dust
And you too, will soon rust